In honor and admiration of Cupcakes and Cashmere's Emily, I imitated one of her signature style posts.
Five Things
making me happy at this very moment...
1. Rainbows
4. Natty Ice
After a long day of class, followed by a brief Shakespeare session (where Katie and I had to pretend to be theatre majors - ugh), I had just made it home when it hit me... today was really the last day of classes! So naturally, I grabbed a beverage, went out on the deck, and watched one of my last College Park sunsets as an undergrad (still outside as I post this). I decided to capture the moment with my whimpy wannabe-photographer skills.
Here is a little bit of scenery from our backyard...
Crackberry Photography 101
University Club was strategically hidden in the backdrop (shh)
My fourth roommate, Shelby
To end the evening and begin the night, I'll leave you with a bonus #6... Boston almost always makes me happy but they're especially effective tonight since this jam pretty much captures the last-day-of-school & first-night-of-summer feeling perfectly... (final exams are not real).
More Than A Feelin' (really good cover)